September 02, 2006

Not Good enough for Kid Camera Models

From Michael Carr, Your Guide to Digital Cameras.

Christmas time and birthdays tend to bring on the barrage of “I want this and this and this.” As a big fan of photography, I’m hoping some of your kids will ask for a camera for Christmas.

I know there aren’t a lot of choices when it comes to digital cameras and kids. There are a few out there, but we should all know that when a digital camera that has some action figure on it or bright shiny stars we, as parents, know what we’re getting. In fact, nearly every model out that's targeted for children has one problem or another. But let's not let that stand of the way of the child’s imagination.

You can drop money for a mediocre camera with a license character on it. My advice: don't spend an awful lot of money for a children's camera. It doesn't make much sense to spend $30-40 for a camera that doesn't even work well right out of the box.

But if you don’t want to pay a lot of money for a camera that you’re pretty sure will end up being dropped, kicked, lost or who knows what else a child can do to it, there is always the option of the one-time-use disposable cameras.

They’re cheap and meant to be thrown away soon enough.

I know the disposable cameras don’t have Batman or Barbie on them and the child could be disappointed, but it’s a good way to test the child’s attention span before you put more money into it.

I guarantee you’ll be surprised what they see has good subjects for their photos. I know a lot of the pictures will be of the floor or the house cat’s blurry tale as it runs away, but they can also get some great pictures of the most ordinary stuff. It will really catch your eye, since its captured at 3 or 4 feet in height and not the ordinary 6 foot mark. Looking at the child’s pictures will really give you a glimpse into their world.

If you have a CVS store near you, they do offer a disposable digital camera. The CVS digital disposable camera is really a digital camera, with an LCD screen and the option to delete pictures if you’re not happy with them. It costs around 20.00 to buy and 10.00 dollars to get them put on CD. CVS also offers a disposable digital camera without the LCD screen but with the ability to delete photos at about half the price. Even non-digital disposable cameras can get developed with images on CD.

It might be a good idea to let your child experiment first with a throw-away camera. If they are really committed, an older child and behave responsibly with their disposable cameras, then you might consider getting them a rea digital camera. You can find some good choices on my list of Top Digital Cameras for Teens.

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